Local Businesses
Anything & Everything
There was a time in Inverness’ history where there was no need to travel for one’s shopping needs. From clothing stores to ice cream shops, scroll below for an extensive list of businesses that were in operation in Inverness in the 1930s.
Central Avenue - 1930s
Sea View Inn. Owned by Jean MacMillian
Confectionery. Owned by J. MacDonald
Nova Café. Owned by George Yipp
Candy Store. Owned by Andrew MacNeil
Campbell’s Hotel. Owned by A. Campbell
MacQuarrie’s Groceries. Owned by MacQuarrie Bros.
L.D. Cameron Hardware. Owned by L.D., M., F. Cameron
J.B. MacNutt Furniture/Toys. Owned by J.B. & Jesse Fraser.
J.B. MacNutt Funeral. Owned by J.B. MacNutt
Grand Central Display. Owned by Norman MacInnis
Grand Central Hotel. Owned by Norman MacInnis
Medical Office. Owned by Doctor Hearld Ratchford
Hair Salon. Owned by Joe & Ernest Monnon
Vacant Lot. Owned by Jim Tubetti
Ice Cream Shop. Owned by Jim Tubetti
Medical Office. Owned by Dr. MacLeod
Garage (later Cinema). Owned by B. Quigley, A. Doucet
Office Building. Owned by A.D. Ingraham
Groceries/Meats. Owned by M.D. MacLellan
Poolroom. Owned by Dan R. MacIsaac
MacDonald Bros. Groceries. Owned by John MacDonald
Joe Margolian’s Variety. Owned by A. MacDonald
Hughie MacKinnon Groceries. Owned by P. Muise
Matt Ferguson’s Rexall. Owned by J. MacNeil
Medical Office. Owned by Dr. J.A. Proudfoot
Barber Shop. Owned by Joe Doucet
Nickel Cinema. Owned by Albert Doucet
Candy Store. Owned by Alex Glabais
Hair Salon. Owned by Marcel Van Volson
J.B. Henderson Clothing. Owned by Harold Henderson
Royal Bank of Canada. Managed by Joe McCarthy
Tea Room. Owned by Lauchie MacDougall
John Beaton Furniture. Owned by J. Beaton
Inverness Bakery. Owned by M. Haddad
Pool Hall. Owned by Henery Van Volson
Town Hall. Managed by Duncan MacIsaac
Tea Room. Owned by Jessie Gillis
Archie Campbell Variety. Owned by Fred Campbell
Wener & Levine Clothing. Owned by Ruth Levine
Somers’ Bakery. Owned by J. Somers
Dance Hall. Owned by Orange Lodge
Feinstein Ready-to-Wear. Owned by L. Feinstein
Confectionery Store. Owned by Johnny Roach
Inverness Rink. Owned by Dan Rory MacLean
Gick’s Variety. Owned by John Angus MacNeil
Liquor Store. Owned by F. Chisholm, J.M. MacLean
Health Office. Dr. Wadlyn (Chiropractor)
Black Joe’s Shoe Repair. Owned by Joe LeBlanc
Quincy Market. Owned by D. Smith
MacMillan Confectionery. Owned by A. MacMillian
Hostel/Livery/Meals. Owned by Pat Deveaux
N.S. Liquor Comm.
Inverness Tavern. Owned by A.J. MacDonald
Croat’s Variety. Owned by Joesph Croat
Coady’s Variety. Owned by Martin Coady
Roach’s Confectionery. Owned by Polly Roach
Inside Ferguson’s Rexall
Off-Central Avenue - 1930s
MacLellan’s Variety. Owned by Alex MacLellan
MacIsaac’s Variety. Owned by Little Alex MacIsaac
Fraser’s Corner Store. Owned by Rory Fraser
Boarding House. Owned by J. MacKay
Forge. Owned by Alex Lauch MacNeil
Connington’s Funeral. Owned by Joe Connington
Farmer’s Store. Owned by Big George Cameron
Shean Co-op. Owned by Joe Judique
Little Alex’s Grocery. Owned by Alex MacDonald
Government Building. Post-Master H.P. MacKinnon
Stella Maris Church. Fr. Ronald MacIsaac
CN Operations. A.R. MacCormack, SM
Labor Temple Hall. Owned by UMW
St. Mary’s Hospital. Sisters of St. Martha
Stella Maris Cemetery.
Mutual Benefit Assoc. Catholic Fraternity Hall
Stella Maris Glebe House. Parish House